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*Get this $191 marketing gift for FREE, just pay shipping. If you like Architect Marketing Labs™, do nothing and you'll be shipped future monthly issues for $9 each month until you cancel, no contract or commitment. Your information is secure and will not be shared.

From the Desk of: 

Enoch Bartlett Sears AIA
Founder and Publisher
Business of Architecture

Visalia, California

I'm excited to send you this $191 Architect Marketing Gift for FREE (just pay shipping) which includes the latest issue of Architect Marketing Labs Monthly (AM Labs™) - the definitive insider's marketing publication for architects - which is destined to help many architects just like you discover how to attract a steady, consistent flow of first-rate clients...

I call this my "ethical bribe".

When you pay $9.00 today, I'll ship you out this $191 Architect Marketing Gift plus the latest issue of Architect Marketing Labs™ .

If you like Architect Marketing Labs™ and want to keep getting it, do nothing.

We'll continue to send you your monthly "marketing seminar in an envelope" (AM Labs™) and automatically bill you just enough to cover our costs - $9.00 US every month.

Of course there is no commitment to continue getting this fantastic publication - cancel anytime (although I wouldn't want to miss an issue).

Now, you'll have to be willing to check your physical mailbox because this is a print publication in full color. Frankly, this offer is really only for the serious architect entrepreneurs who want to grow their firm and profit... this is NOT for non-practicing architects. 

And that's the bad news.

The good news is that you'll learn everything we know about:

  • Getting your phone to ring with project inquiries - online and offline strategies
  • Education-based, non-salesly marketing - how to disqualify the time wasters
  • Winning more of the projects you like to work on
  • Building a strong follow-up system - so your best leads become clients
  • Content marketing - what works, what doesn't and what to outsource
  • Systematizing your marketing to reduce the ups and downs most architecture firms suffer year-in, year-out
  • Plus many other strategies we share with our high-level Academy members...

AMI Labs Monthly
Real marketing critiques so you can see what's working for other architects.... delivered to your mailbox every month.

... including 'done-for-you' marketing collateral you can just swipe and send!

We've never pulled back the curtain like this before ...

You've no doubt seen other so-called marketing experts "reveal all" before...  It's the ol' "we increased revenues by a gazillion percent. Aren't we awesome?" move. But then they don't actually give you the goods. It stops right there. That's why we're going further, opening the Lab, and letting you in on our little secrets and marketing tests, including...

BONUS #1: The Marketing Confessions DVD

The world's leading architect marketing coach, Richard Petrie, reveals all in this exclusive interview!
- $47 value, FREE today -

In this 70-minute video interview the world's leading architect marketing coach, Richard Petrie, spills his knowledge about effective marketing strategies for architects. You'll get a behind the scenes look at the step-by-step marketing plan flowchart that you can copy and implement in your practice.

It will take a little work from your side to implement these strategies in your practice (that's the bad news) but the rewards will come in the form of more of the right clients.

The good news is that you'll know everything you need on:

  • How to create a waiting list of clients for your firm so you can 'pick and choose' the best projects you want to work on
  • How to attract and win the best clients who value good design and don't haggle over fees
  • How to to have clients 'pre-sold' before they ever meet with you face to face
  • And so much more...

Confessions Of An Architect Marketing Maverick
... the world's leading architect marketing coach, Richard Petrie, reveals all in this exclusive interview.
(normally $47 - FREE today)

BONUS #2: Facebook Advertising for Architects Training

Enoch Sears AIA, Founder of Business Of Architecture and the Architect Marketing Institute, teaches advanced targeting and advertising strategies for Facebook (this works for both Commercial and Residential Architects).
- $97 value, FREE today -
(*never before available outside of the Architects Marketing Academy)

There's a lot of discussion about Facebook and its effectiveness in generating inquiries for architecture firms. The majority of architecture firms sink cash into social media marketing only to realize a negative return on investment.

The harsh reality.

The good news is that there IS a 'right way' to use Facebook to attract clients.

In this 60 minute training you’ll find out...

  • How to use Facebook to get people to visit your website without blowing your budget
  • How to advertise to only the people who have visited your website (even if you don't have their contact information)
  • How to create an advertisement that gets people to give you their contact information so you can follow up with them (most prospects become clients after multiple exposures to your firm)
  • And more Facebook advertising strategies and tips...

Facebook Advertising for Architects
Learn how to run positive ROI client-attracting Facebook ads (*this will save you hours in set-up time and potentially hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars in advertising costs)
(never before available outside of the Architects Marketing Academy, FREE with your AM Labs™ Monthly membership)

How to target custom audiences of people who have visited your site or 'liked' your competitors Facebook page.

The process map to configure your Facebook ad hierarchy for maximum clicks throughs - and minimum ad cost.

How to manage your advertising using Facebook's often confusing Power Editor (this will save you hours)

Geo-targeting strategies, tips and tricks to attract people in only the locations you want.

BONUS #3: F.A.B. Formula (Live Footage from In Person Training)

- $47 value, FREE today -

In this exclusive 'behind closed doors' footage from our recent Las Vegas live implementation workshop Richard teaches the psychology of why architects sometimes fail to connect with prospects… and how to convert logical features into emotional benefits.

Presenting your solution using the 'features, advantages, benefits (FAB)' framework will move your client to base their decision of hiring an architect on 'value', and not just 'price'.

In this training video you will learn...

  • How to align your thinking with the buyer’s thinking
  • How to turn 'features' into irresistible 'benefits' that attract your ideal prospects magnetically
  • How to reverse the F.A.B. framework for deeper emotional connection and greater client conversion
  • PLUS, live examples from architects who attended this exclusive workshop...

The F.A.B. Formula
Exclusive architect sales training recording from the Las Vegas private workshop.
(normally $47 - FREE with your AM Labs™ Monthly purchase)

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